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Do You Want to Build a Snowman?

Do You Want to Build a Snowman?

December 06, 2018

...Suddenly the realization occurred—maybe there isn’t time to be "productive" today.  But there is time for something better.

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Rise: Embrace Your Astonishing Capacity for Resilience

Rise: Embrace Your Astonishing Capacity for Resilience

September 13, 2018

Never stop believing in your capacity to rise. Like bread that must get knocked down before it can rise into something delicious, we're beaten down, our dreams shattered, but still, we rise.

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Time is a measure of the choices we make - Father Time

9 Ways to Take Back Your Time

August 04, 2018

Busy families need tools and a gameplan to combat the ever-encroaching demands of our time on our hectic lives.  Here are 9 ways that can help put you back in control.

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Let's Bake a Difference

Let's Bake a Difference

July 14, 2018

There’s something about giving to those in need that seems to fill our hearts with a wholesome sense of goodness and selfless satisfaction.  Let's use bread to go out and bake a difference!

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Best Thing Since 'Freshly' Sliced Bread

Best Thing Since 'Freshly' Sliced Bread

July 07, 2018

Why does cardboard-tasting bread abound in America today?  In part it’s due to a reliance on mechanically sliced bread.  We’re here to bring back freshly sliced bread for several tasty reasons. 

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Pollinator Paradise

Pollinator Paradise

June 23, 2018

Our flying friends the pollinators work pretty hard to help us eat some pretty amazing foods, like Pumpkin Pie.  Here's a story of lending a hand back to the bees.

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Here's to You, Dad!

Here's to You, Dad!

June 15, 2018

This weekend is a special time for fathers, so at Father Time we raise our bread slices in a 'toast' to one special father that's made a huge impact in our lives.  Here's to you, Dad!

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Our Mission

Our Mission

May 01, 2018

The idea behind the Father TimeTM brand came from a fundamental belief that two areas in life could use some help: food and families.  We believe that the food we consume needs...

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Our Organic Manifesto

Our Organic Manifesto

April 16, 2018

In an era when America is losing faith in Big Food, we stand committed to making the highest quality foods through organic, sustainable, and responsible processes.

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Our Story

Our Story

April 02, 2018

Call it a love affair with bread.  We love bread in our family.  Good bread, that is.  And we love sharing it. That’s why we’ve spent over 15 years in our home perfecting the art of...

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